Help us to make memories

With your support, we can assist families where the parent or child has a life-limiting or life shortening health condition. We can gift them the means to share the precious time they have left together. Anybody can give something, anybody can make a difference.

Auctions & shop

Our live auctions and shop is the perfect way to help the charity raise funds. There should be something different for everyone, from gifts to loved ones or just to treat yourself.


Case studies

We're proud of all our stories, check out how we have supported some brilliant brave families.

Our sponsors

You can join our monthly sponsors, by donating on a regular basis you give me&dee stability to our income and help us deliver the special treats and experiences to our families. Anybody can give something, anybody can make a difference.

Upcoming events

Here at me&dee, we always have something to look forward to. Check out our latest events and see how you can join us.


Latest news & updates

Check our latest news and upcoming events from me&dee

Taylors Head Shave

Wow Taylor…we couldn’t be prouder of you! Saturday 17th August saw an...

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Easter Bikers

A Rideout to Derby and Burton Childrens Hospitals A ride out to...

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A Musical Evening

All things Bright & Beautiful Event sponsored by Bright & Beautiful Derby...

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