Terri and Taylors story

Taylors mummy, Terri, tells their story

April 20th 2015, the day our lives changed forever!

My little man, Taylor woke up crying… a cry that just didn’t sound right!

He was blue lighted into hospital, everyone rushing round him, it felt like I was stuck in a nightmare!

Being taken to a side room and being told that MY SON only had hours to live! We were told that he had contracted meningococcal septicaemia (Type W Meningitis).

This ended in him having multiple amputations. First it was his left leg above the knee, then all the digits on both of his hands. Despite their best efforts Taylor had to have his right leg removed, again above the knee.

The meningitis didn’t just affect his limbs it also caused long lasting damage to his internal organs and his spleen no longer works, he will be on antibiotics for the rest of his life.

It also left him with stage 2 chronic kidney disease, his Liver took a beating too!

We spent 8 months in hospital and within that time, he was put into 2 induced comas fighting for his life. He has also had over 80 operations since and will continue to have operations throughout the rest of his life.

He has come so far in his short life and has smashed every obstacle that has been put in his way! He never lets anything stop him and puts 100% into everything he does.

As Taylor says. he kicked Meningitis’s butt, and he sure has!

Thank you me&dee

Taylor and myself can’t thank me&dee enough, for everything they have done for us!

Seeing Taylor in and out and hospital and constantly feeling unwell, is horrible! But in between all this, Maria and Mark always manage to put a smile back on Taylor’s face!

Who knew that they knew Spiderman and Batman, who are now Taylors new best friends! Being able to make memories together and escaping from reality, helping Taylor to forgot about upcoming operations is wonderful! Sometimes you just need to escape the hospital life!!

It’s these sorts of memories that we will never forgot and when having a down day, we look back at the photos and the smiles on our faces, and that is all down to me&dee.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, in Taylor’s words; “I love Maria & Mark they the best”

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