The Derby 10K 2021

Many thanks to our hosts, The Derby County Community Trust, we were pleased to once again be one of your charity partners. Thanks also to all of the sponsors of this event.

Due to Covid the 2021 Derby 10K took place later than usual in the year so as Maria and Mark arrived at Pride Park stadium to set the me&dee gazebo up on a cold wet Sunday morning, it was till dark!

With the help of Delia’s son, (The Dee in me&dee), Chris, his wife Ali and daughter Ellie the gazebo was up, sides on, chairs out and the tombola items out and ready for the people to have a go. We are so grateful to them all, it makes it so much easier for us.

As it gets lighter runners start arriving, no warmup this year due to social distancing, there’s music though so the atmosphere starts to pick up, nervous anticipation from the participants, it’s still raining!

me&dee are lucky enough to have 15 runners raising money for us this year, all looking the business in their me&dee running shirts, supplied and supported by our dear friends at Pennline.

Everyone is here, it’s photo time, it’s warm up time, laughter as the water that’s gathered on the top of the gazebo spills over on to those unlucky enough to be standing near the edge of the gazebo, instant cold shower!

We are joined by Taylor and his family who have turned out to meet and cheer our runners on, he wins a cuddly toy on our tombola, one happy chappie.

The time has arrived, off they go to the start position, joining the rest of the fantastic folks who have given up their time to raise money for a multitude of charities.

Back at the me&dee gazebo, it’s still raining by the way, we chat and meet people who are there to support their loved ones, sell a few tombola tickets, laughter and clapping can be heard as they win a prize!

Before you can turn around our first runner is back, it’s Taylor Gee, back in a time of, 48:18, fantastic!

Last back were our trio of Soldiers who had travelled from the North East to take part, the three of them are ex Light Infantry, a gentle jog and walk around the course but being the gentlemen they are, they were escorting Amanda Solloway MP across the line.

Slowly but surely, they all returned back to the gazebo, safe and sound, slightly damp from the rain, it’s still raining by the way, high fives all around, hugs and congratulations a wonderful bunch of people.

So, was it worth it?? Out of our 15 runners we had one no show, injury, 12 runners raised the amazing amount of £5,377.97 including Gift Aid.

This included Stuart Massey’s amazing total of £2,590.00 including Gift Aid, an astounding amount! Stuart was running as part of the Rolls Royce PTF team, along with Zorran Carnell, who have been raising money for me&dee all year, thanks guys.

Thanks to All of our Runners

Zorran Carnell
Taylor Gee
Sara Alkis
Stuart Massey
Barry Dixon
Malcolm Heslop
Gary Richards

Danny Dixon
Daniel Burke
Mark Bond
David Harper
Carolyn Berry
Tom Hibbert
Michaela Niblett

If you would like to run for me&dee in the 2022 Derby 10K, follow this link to book your place, The 2022 Derby 10K – I want to run for me&dee